元智大學第十三屆藝術與設計學系畢業展『 輻射源 IMPETUS 』

訊息發佈時間 2023-06-05

【 元智大學第十三屆藝術與設計學系畢業展 】

✹ ・ ✸ ・ ✷『 輻射源 IMPETUS 』✷ ・ ✸ ・ ✹

▮ 展覽理念 Introduction ▮





Everyone is an individual as well as a member of a group.
Comparing themselves to conveyors, a group of people build a place for their own voice on an island.

Maybe the only way to treat a forgotten event or place is to reconstruct and create its possibility through constant discussion with each other.

Through nonstop accumulation, all kinds of information gathers together and forms a series of strong energy. By searching diversified spaces as new origin, conveyors gather individual spirit and energy about to explode to the same place.

“IMPETUS” refers to a place that energy comes together. Conveyors are going to leave the island with their great energy and propose their declaration to the people.

